An electronic component is any basic discrete device or physical entity
in an electronic system used to affect electrons is their associated field. Electronic
component are mostly industrial product, available in a singular form and are
not to be confused with electrical elements, which are conceptual abstractions
representing idealized electronic components.
Electronic components have a number of electrical terminals are leads.
These leads connect to other electrical components, often over wires, to create
an electronic circuit with a particular function (for example an amplifier,
radio receiver, or oscillator). Basic electronic component may be packaged
discreetly, as arrays or networks of like components, or integrated inside of
packages such as semiconductor integrated circuits, hybrid Integrated circuits,
or thick film devices.
Components can be classified as passive, active, or electro-mechanic.
The strict physics definition treats passive components as ones that cannot
supply energy themselves, where as a battery would be seen as an active
component since it truly acts as a source of energy.
However, electronic engineer who perform circuit analysis use a
more restrictive definition of passivity. when only concerned with the energy
of signals, it is convenient to ignore the so-called DC circuit and pretend
that the power supplying components such as transistor or integrated circuits
is absent(as if each such component had its own battery built in ), though it
may in reality be supplied by the DC circuit. Then, the analysis only concerns
the AC circuit, an abstraction that ignores DC voltages and currents (and the
power associated with them) present in the real life circuit. This fiction, for
instance, lets us view an oscillator as "producing energy" even though
in reality the oscillator consumes even more energy from a DC power supply,
which we have chosen to ignore under that restriction, we define the terms
as used in circuit analysis as:
Active components:
Active component rely on a source of energy (usually from the DC circuit,
which we have chosen to ignore) and usually can inject power into a circuit,
though this is not part of the definition.
Active components include
amplifying components such as transistors, triode vacuum tubes (valves), and tunnel
Transistors were considered the invention of the 29th century that
changed electronic circuits forever. A transistor is a semiconductor device
used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power.
FET (Field effect transistors)
o MOSFET (Metal oxide semiconductor FET)
o JFET (junction field effect transistor) : n-channel or p-channel
o MESFET (metal-semiconductor FET)
o HEMT (high electron mobility transistor)
Composite transistor
o BiCMOS (bipolar CMOS)
o IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor)
Other transistors
o BJT (bipolar junction transistor)
o Darlington transistor
o Sziklai pair(Compound Transistor, Complementary Darlington)
o SCR(silicon controlled rectifier)
o TRIAC(triode for alternating current)
o UJT(unijunction transistor)
o PUT(programmable unijunction transistor)
o SITh(static induction thyristor)
Conduct electricity easily in one direction among more specific
o Diode, rectifier, diode bridge
o Schottky diode
o Zener diode
o Transient voltage suppression diode(TVS)
o Varicap, tuning diode, varactor, variable capacitance diode
o Laser diode
o Photodiode
o DIAC(diode for alternating current)
o Constant current diode
o Peltier cooler
o Tunnel diode
Integrated circuits
o Integrated circuits
o MOS IC(MOS Integrated circuit)
o Hybrid IC (hybrid integrated circuit)
o Mixed signal integrated circuit
o 3D IC(3 dimensional integrated circuit)
Digital electronics
Analog circuit
o Half effect sensor
o Current sensor
Optoelectronic devices
· Opto-electronics
o Opto-isolator,opto-coupler,photo-coupler
o Slotted optical switch, opto-switch, optical switch
o LED display
Display technology
o Filament lamp
o Vacuum fluorescent display(VFD)
o Cathode ray tube(CRT)
o Liquid crystal diode (LCD)
o Light emitting diode (LED)
o Plasma display
o Micro LED
o Incandescent filament 7-segment display
o Nixie tube
o Dekatron
o Magic eye tube indicator
o Penetron
Vacuum tube (valves)
A vacuum tube is based on current condition through a
Diode or rectifier tube
o Triode
o Tetrode
o Pentode
o Hexode
o Pentagrid
o Octode
o Travelling wave tube
o Klystron
o Magnetron
o Reflex klystron
o Carcinotron
- Optical detector or emitters
o Phototube or photodiode
o Photomultiplier tube
o Cathode ray tube (CRT)
o Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD)
o Magic eye tube
o X-ray tube
Discharge devices
o Gas discharge tube
o Ignitron
o Thyratron
o Mercury Arc rectifier
o Voltage regulator tube
o Nixie tube
Power sources
Sources of electrical power.
o Battery
o Fuel cell
o Power supply
o Photovoltaic device
o Thermoelectric generator
o Electrical generator
o Piezoelectric generator
o Van de Graff generator
B) Passive components
Passive components
cannot introduce net energy into the circuit. They also cannot rely on a source
of power, except for what is available from the (AC) circuit they are connected
to. As a consequence they cannot amplify (increase the power of a signal)
although they may increase a voltage or current (such as is done by a
transformer or resonant circuit).
Passive components include two terminal
components such as registers, capacitors, inductors, and Transformers.
Components capable of controlling current by means of another electric signal
are called passive devices.
Passes current in proportion to voltage (ohm's law) and oppose
o Power resistor
o SIP or DIP resistor network
o Rheostat
o Potentiometer
o Trimpot
o Thermistor
o Humister
o Photo resistor
o Memristor
o Varistor, voltage dependent resistor
- Resistance wire, Nichrome wire
- Heater
Capacitors Store and release electrical charge. They used
for filtering power supply line, tuning resonant circuit, and for blocking DC
voltage while passing AC signals, among numerous other uses.
Integrated capacitor
o MIS capacitor
o Trench capacitor
Fixed capacitor
o Ceramic capacitor
o Film capacitor
o Electrolytic capacitor
o Super capacitor
o Mica capacitor
o Lithium ion capacitor
Variable capacitor
o Tuning capacitor
o Trim capacitor
o Vacuum variable capacitor
Capacitor for special applications
o Power capacitor
o Safety capacitor
o Filter capacitor
o Light emitting capacitor
o Motor capacitor
o Photo flash capacitor
o Reservoir capacitor
Magnetic (inductive) devices
Electrical components that use magnetism in the storage and
release of electrical charge through current.
Inductor, coil, choke
Variable inductor
Saturable inductor
Magnetic amplifier ( toroid)
Ferrite impedance, beads
Loudspeaker and microphone
Electrical component that pass charge in proportion to
magnetism or magnetic flux and have the ability to retain previous resistive
state, hence the name of memory plus register.
Component that use more than one type of passive component.
o RC network
o LC network
Transducers, sensors, detectors
Transducers generate physical effects
when driven by an electrical signal or vice versa.
Sensors (Detectors) are transducer that
reacts to environmental condition by changing their electric properties for
generating an electrical signal.
o Loudspeaker
o Buzzer
Position, motion
Linear variable differential
Rotary encoder, shaft encoder
Motion sensor
Flow meter
Force, torque
o Strain gauge
o Accelerometer
o Thermocouple, thermopile
o Thermistor
o Resistance temperature detector
o Bolo metre
o Thermal cut-off
Magnetic field
o Magnetometer
o Gauss meter
Electromagnetic, light
Photo register(LDR)
Antennas transmit and receive radio waves.
Elemental dipole
Phases array
Loop antenna
Parabolic dish
Log-periodic dipole array
Feed horn
Assemblies, modules
Multiple electronic components assembled in a device that
is in itself used as a component.
- Oscillator
- Display devices
o Liquid crystal display (LCD)
o Digital voltmeter
Prototyping aids
Wire wrap
Electro mechanical components can carry
out electrical operations by using electrical connections.
Note: Most passive components with more than two terminals can be
described in terms of two port parameters that satisfy the principle of
reciprocity though there are rare exceptions. In contrast, active component
(with more than two terminals) generally lack that property.
Piezoelectric devices, crystals, resonators
Passive component that use piezoelectric effect:
- Components that you was the effect to
generate or filter high frequencies:
o Crystal
o Ceramic resonator
o Ceramic filter
o Surface acoustic wave
- Component that use the effect of
mechanical transducer:
o Ultrasonic motor
o For Piezo buzzer and microphone, see the transducer class below
Terminals and connectors
Devices to make electrical connection.
o Socket
o Screw terminal, terminal blocks
o Pin header
Cable assemblies
Electrical cable with connectors for terminal at their ends.
- Power cord
- Patch cord
- Test cord
Component that can pass current or break the current.
o Electrical description:
o Technology: slide switches, toggle switches, rackers switches, rotary
switches, push button switches
- Keypad
- DIP switch
- Footswitch
- Knife switch
- Micro switch
- Limit switch
- Mercury switch
- Centrifugal switch
- Relay or contactor
- Reed switch
- Thermostat
- Humidistat
- Circuit breaker
Protection devices
Passive components that protect circuit from excessive current or
o Fuse
o Circuit breaker
o Resettable fuse or poly switch
o Ground fault protection or residual Current device
o Metal oxide varistor, surge absorber, TVS
o Inrush current limiter
o Gas discharge tube
o Spark gap
o Lightning arrester
Mechanical accessories
- Enclosure (electrical)
- Heat sink
- Fan
- Printed circuit board
- Lamp
- Waveguide
- Memristor
- Fuse
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